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  • Stairlift test winner 2022 – The best stairlifts in the test

Stairlift test winner 2022 – The best stairlifts in the test

For over 50 years now, Stiftung Warentest has been known for its independent product tests. In addition to test reports, the consumer organization also issues reports with useful recommendations and tips on individual product groups. What Stiftung Warentest has to say on the subject of stairlifts, we summarize in the following article..

Thus, although Stiftung Warentest has not yet conducted a stairlift test or manufacturer or model comparison, it has issued some important recommendations on financing, assembly and possible subsidies.

What should you consider before buying a stairlift?

There are currently more than 60 different stairlift models from almost as many manufacturers. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that some people quickly lose the overview. For this reason, Stiftung Warentest advises taking enough time in any case and not letting yourself be rushed into a purchase under any circumstances. It is best to think in advance about where the stairlift will be used and what equipment it should have.

ThyssenKrupp Stairlift Photo: © thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

In addition, the experts at Stiftung Warentest recommend that you obtain as many quotations from the various providers as possible in order to compare them at your leisure. Important: both the on-site inspection and the cost estimate should always be free of charge. If one has decided on one or two models, one should test these in detail with the manufacturer, because only in such a way one can find out whether the desired model corresponds also actually to the own conceptions.

Building permits, safety inspection and approval

Since you have to comply with the building regulations of the respective federal state when installing a stairlift, it can’t hurt, according to Stiftung Warentest, to find out from the relevant authority before you buy whether, for example, an inspection is necessary after installation. Furthermore, the stairlift manufacturers are obliged to inform the customer about any testing and approval procedures. If something is unclear or you have further questions, you should not hesitate to ask them.

If the stairlift is to be installed in a multi-family house or apartment building, the written permission of the owner must be obtained in any case. Here the regional court Duisburg decided that the landlord must tolerate the installation definitely, if the tenant concerned cannot leave its dwelling otherwise any longer alone. To ensure that the use of the stair lift is safe at all times, it should be checked at least once a year by expert personnel.

The financing of a stairlift

A new stairlift currently costs between 3,000 and 15,000 €, depending on the equipment and special requests. However, under certain circumstances one does not have to bear the purchase sum completely alone. For example, if the affected person has a care degree, then the care insurance currently pays up to 4,000 €. In addition, the stair lift can be registered with the health insurance on the one hand and also be deducted from taxes on the other. In both cases, one should ask the respective authorities whether a co-payment is possible. If the tax deduction is rejected, Stiftung Warentest recommends filing an appeal in any case.

Stairlift on straight railPhotosSource: © ThyssenKrupp AG

The Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW for short) offers another option. The KfW grants low-interest loans of up to 50,000 € for the purchase of a stair lift, which can also be used for barrier-free renovation. This case occurs, for example, if the staircase is too small, so that the stair lift can not be installed. However, it may be worthwhile if you also get information about the interest rates of other banks and compare them with each other.

Further recommendations from Stiftung Warentest

– Before signing the purchase contract, one should make sure that the warranty and the guarantee are also noted there.

– You should also find out in advance whether maintenance is already included in the purchase price, or which maintenance contracts the manufacturer offers.

– Furthermore, it is advisable to ask the supplier about any repairs. What do they cost? Do I have to pay only for the material or also for the labor? Which parts are covered by the warranty?

– The manufacturer or the provider should offer the customer professional advice at all times. Here, Stiftung Warentest advises that you should not let the provider pressure you into buying at any time.


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  1. Lehnhoff wroteon 3 August 2016 at 16:33

    We are a residential community with 8 parties and three floors
    ( with basement access 4 levels )
    3 parties ….ground floor one party
    1st floor one party
    2nd floor and one party want a stair lift

    The lift should be placed on the inside.
    The number of stairs to the 2nd floor are 46
    The width of the stairs is 104 cm

    The costs will be borne by the three applicants.

    It is unclear whether the installation of the stair lift by the other owners is subject to approval.

    With kind regards

    Heinz Lehnhoff

  2. Dämmig wroteon 16 September 2016 at 21:42

    My father, now 100 years old, had a stair lift installed in 2012 as a preventive measure. At that time, he did not have a care level and therefore did not “dare” to apply for a subsidy. He has paid the costs in the amount of 8300.-€ privately. In the meantime his state of health has changed considerably, he now has care level 2. Without a stair lift his limited mobility would be impossible. The trips to the doctor, for example, would not be feasible. The AOK has rejected the application for subsequent subsidies. Question: is it legal? Or, what should we do to get a subsequent cost subsidy?

    Many greetings,
    R. Dämmig

  3. Manfred Schneider wroteon 6 October 2016 at 17:55

    Due to a In 4 weeks planned knee surgery ( implant ) I am interested in a stair lift inside. the staircase is 90 ° rotating, has a width of 1.20 m and goes over 17 steps. More details gladly on the phone.

    With kind regards

    Manfred Schneider

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